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Writer's pictureFritzi Gros-Daillon

Breaking the Groundhog Day Cycle of Senior Home Safety Hazards

We’ve all heard of Groundhog Day - that feeling of doing the same thing over and over again, expecting things to change. Unfortunately, this is often true for adult children watching aging parents in their homes. Every day can be the same with no changes or corrections to safety hazards in their parent’s house. But it doesn’t have to be this way! There is a chance to break that cycle and make seniors safer.

What Can You Do?

Fortunately, there are resources available that can help you with assessing a senior’s home for safety hazards and making recommendations for keeping seniors independent while eliminating dangers like falls, slips, and injury from not using medical devices properly. is one such resource website that connects families with certified senior home safety specialists who specialize in issues involving older adults living at home on their own terms. These professionals are trained to assess homes, identify potential safety hazards and make recommendations on how to avoid them.

A Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) through NAHB is also an option for professional support and guidance when assessing a senior's home environment for safety hazards. CAPS specialists have received training in areas such as remodeling homes for accessibility, universal design principles, building codes related to aging-in-place projects, product information specific to aging-in-place modifications, and other aspects of creating a safe living environment for seniors at home.

These professionals can provide detailed assessment reports and make suggestions on how to create a safer living environment so seniors can remain independent longer in their own homes with less worry about potential injuries from slipping or falling due to environmental hazards. They may recommend products such as grab bars or non-slip mats or suggest ways of rearranging furniture for easier access around the house.

It doesn’t have to feel like Groundhog Day anymore when it comes to watching out for your aging parents! The good news is that there are resources available that can help you break the cycle by providing professional support when assessing your parent’s home environment and making recommendations on how they can stay safe while maintaining independence longer at home. Whether you choose AgeSafeAmerica or NAHB's Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS), both will be able to provide detailed assessment reports with suggestions on how best to modify the home environment so seniors can live safely at home without fear of falls or injury due to environmental hazards. So don't wait any longer - contact one of these services today (or contact me and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction).


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